Hope Beyond Diagnosis: Redefining Your Future

Do our challenges with mental illness determine our destination? The answer is often as complex as the diagnosis. But in short, the answer is no. Mental illness does not have to determine our destination. We have the ability to choose the direction our life will take. Life experiences can alter how we get to our destination, but we can choose where we end up.

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Fighting Depression

Depression is real and affects people of all walks of life. There is hope and help. In fighting depression, we cannot control how the enemy will fight, but we can choose to stand our ground.

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Focus Forward: You Deserve Life

How do we focus forward when we are struggling against burdens that would bury us in a pit of hopeless despair? How do we hold onto the belief that we truly deserve life?

So often, the trauma of abuse robs us of the dignity, hope, and love we both desire and deserve. Focusing forward as we work through our trauma can help us reclaim what was lost. The truth is that regardless of the burdens we carry, we are worth the effort to move forward.

Last year my friend, Danielle Morelli, shared this powerful truth: “You deserve life. You deserve dignity. You deserve a chance at hope and love.” Survivor Shift Episode 6

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Más Christ

Lights, music, gift-giving, and often a little more kindness are at the center of the Christmas season. Recently, my granddaughter led a discussion in her youth group about the importance of keeping Christ in Christmas.  After talk of favorite Christmas memories and crazy holiday schedules, she offered a rearranging of the word “Christmas”: Más Christ.…

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Finding Joy After Trauma

Joy comes when we let the light of truth into the darkness. It is then that our lives have meaning and purpose.

We do not have to stay in the prison of trauma, heartache, and anguish. Regardless of the harsh experiences we have gone through, each of us can find light, hope, and even joy. We can be free to thrive in a life that is uniquely our own.

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