Memorial Day–Honoring Freedom

Each year, Memorial Day touches my heart with gratitude for those who gave (and give) their lives fighting for and honoring freedom.

Conviction to Overcome

A few years ago, my husband and I had the opportunity to visit the Pearl Harbor National Memorial. Standing in the observation room of the USS Arizona—looking out over the sunken ship—is sobering. It is a watery grave for over one thousand crewmen.

We were there on a calm, beautiful Oahu morning, much like the one on Dec 7, 1941. It is hard to imagine going along getting ready for a routine day and suddenly having your life, blown apart. Breakdowns in communications and leaders who discounted the signs of impending attack left the sailors unaware of the coming destruction.

But the sinking of the Arizona sparked in many the will to fight. It ignited the energy and conviction needed to overcome formidable enemies of freedom. The message that freedom is worth fighting for resounded. It united the forces necessary to stop the war machines in Europe and Asia.

Anchored less than a ship’s length away from the Arizona memorial is the USS Missouri. It was on the Missouri that the Japanese signed an unconditional surrender effectually ending the War. The ships face bow to bow like bookends marking the beginning of WWII for the United States and the end of it for the world. If standing on the Arizona memorial is sobering, standing on the deck of the mighty Missouri is empowering. It reminds me that no matter what devastation the enemy can dish out, we can fight back. And we can win.

A Moving Memorial

Many dedicated to freedom’s cause have sacrificed before and after. Remembering those who have given their lives can strengthen our own resolve to cherish freedom. More it importantly, to use the freedoms we have to promote good.

As part of our local Memorial Day celebrations, we’re privileged to have the Vietnam Moving Memorial for a short stay.

While it is another sobering reminder of the cost of freedom, it is also a reminder of the individuals caught in the battles they did not orchestrate. It is a reminder of the individuals willing to stand for freedom. And a reminder of the need of all of us to stand together.

A Priceless Gift

Freedom. It is a priceless gift, always given at great cost and to be retained, we must fight for it, not only on a national or world level, but on a very personal one as well. While we can’t always choose our situations or experiences, we do have the God-given freedom to decide what to do with what we have been given. Are we willing to do what is necessary to keep the freedom we have? Are we willing to stand up for what we know is right and good to preserve the same freedoms for all those who come after us? The Power to Choose

I’m grateful for those who gave their lives to preserve the priceless gift of freedom. And for those who cherish and work to defend it. May we honor them by doing the same.

About Tammy René

My journey has been about the freedom of learning and accepting truth. Even more importantly it is about rediscovering the light inside me and learning to own it, build on it, and then share it.


  1. Carol Holdeman on May 24, 2024 at 5:52 pm

    Hail to Grandpa Pie Holdeman, Bruce Holdeman, Richard Gillespie, and Bruce Holder who all served our country so well. God bless.

  2. Jody Quick on May 25, 2024 at 9:39 am

    4-11-55 ✝️ 4-11-24 My big Brother you will always be missed ! I love you Donald SEMPER FIDELIS

    • Tammy René on May 26, 2024 at 3:14 pm

      Thank you to you and your brother, Jody. God bless you all.

  3. Cynthia A. Lee on May 26, 2024 at 8:24 am

    Absolutely beautiful, Tammy! I feel like my heart was just inspired and touched by the best Memorial Day tribute I could have found this weekend. How like our Savior so many of our brothers and sisters have been throughout history: so courageous, so willing to die or die trying to win freedom for all/ even total strangers. God bless them and their sacrifices for us.

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