Hope Beyond Diagnosis: Redefining Your Future

Do our challenges with mental illness determine our destination? The answer is often as complex as the diagnosis. But in short, the answer is no. Mental illness does not have to determine our destination. We have the ability to choose the direction our life will take. Life experiences can alter how we get to our destination, but we can choose where we end up.

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Fighting Depression

Depression is real and affects people of all walks of life. There is hope and help. In fighting depression, we cannot control how the enemy will fight, but we can choose to stand our ground.

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Light Behind the Mask

There is light even in the darkest places—even in the darkest parts of us. Mental anguish, regardless of its source, does not take the worth out of its victim. Accepting that reality frees us to own the light and be ourselves.

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Coping Through Creativity

What impact do the arts have on our mental health? I recently participated in a class titled “Coping Through Creativity,” led by my friend Stephanie Nicoletti. Despite my limited visual art skills, I found creating images that expressed my emotions liberating.
In this interview, Stephanie shares how creativity can help us heal.

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How to Honor Abusive Parents

How does honoring parents fit into the murky path of overcoming the pain inflicted by them? The first step is in re-interpreting honor to mean live honorably.  In that way, we are doing something good with the physical life they gave us. More importantly, it lifts and enables us to see beyond the abuse and focus on building a life we can thrive in. In living honorably, we can find our true selves and leave behind the worthless feelings that accompany abuse.

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Why Build on the Light?

I’ve been asked why the title Build on the Light? In this video, I share the ideas behind the phrase. If we look closely, there are pieces of light buried in the muck of the trauma we have suffered-pieces that can be used to rebuild our lives. Regardless of the pains and heartache we are…

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