Survivor Shift: Episode 4

“You Are a Child of God”–with Myra Marangi Moving from surviving to thriving often includes multiple shifts. Myra candidly shares her experiences and the shifts that have led her to a life she loves.

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The Power to Choose

Power to Choose

The power to choose seems a distant reality when we are victims of abuse. It is not only the uncertainty and pain of events we can’t control, but the way abuse shatters our ability to see our real selves. Abusers use tools of pain and deception to transfer blame onto their victims. Breaking free from the effects of abuse is about reclaiming our power to choose who we will be and the direction our life will take.

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Survivor Shift: Episode 3

–“Who Do You Want to Be?” with Tammy Claughton In this episode of Survivor Shift, Tammy Claughton shares her story of overcoming childhood sexual abuse and learning that we each have the power to decide who we want to be.

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The Power of the Word “Yet”

There is power in using the word, “yet”, when struggling to navigate our healing journey. Yet is the antidote of fear. I don’t know yet, keeps the door open to answers and help. I can’t yet, helps plant the seeds of a better self image. I don’t want to yet, keeps us from succumbing to the storms. The word yet adds power to and awareness of our ability to move forward.

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Survivor Shift: Episode 2

–Accepting a Higher Power with Bill M. Accepting a Higher Power is part of the Survivor Shift journey that Bill shares in this video. Overcoming childhood trauma, addiction, and the added complications brought Bill to build a relationship with his Higher Power, Jesus Christ. Strength in Accepting a Higher Power

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The Miracles Continue

The miracles continue in the three months since Miracles in the Dark: How a Childhood Cult and Abuse Victim Reclaimed the Light went live on Amazon. The opportunities to share messages of hope have been heart-changing. As a survivor of extreme childhood abuse, I have experienced miracles in healing from its effects. Sharing the intimate…

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The Power to Heal

Powerlessness as a victim skews our vision of the world and our role in our own life. Often, we claim responsibility for our abusers’ actions because it eases the sense of absolute powerlessness. Believing we are “bad,” means we can believe we have power to change and stop the abuse. Abusers accuse the victim of being the problem. Somehow it is easier for the victim to accept that lie than the enormity of the truth.

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