“A Story That Must Be Told”
We each have a “story that must be told”. In having the courage to share, we create opportunities for growth, understanding, and connection. That is the most profound reward.
Memorial Day–Honoring Freedom
Are we willing to do what is necessary to keep the freedom we have? Are we willing to stand up for what we know is right and good to preserve the same freedoms for all those who come after us?
Reclaiming the Good
Reclaiming the good moments in our lives is critical in emotional and spiritual healing. But it is not enough to simply uncover the pieces of light. We have to own them.
The Miracles Continue
The miracles continue in the three months since Miracles in the Dark: How a Childhood Cult and Abuse Victim Reclaimed the Light went live on Amazon. The opportunities to share messages of hope have been heart-changing. As a survivor of extreme childhood abuse, I have experienced miracles in healing from its effects. Sharing the intimate…
Available Now!
Miracles in the Dark: How a Childhood Cult and Abuse Survivor Reclaimed the Light is a compelling and raw story of overcoming the trauma of childhood abuse and finding hope and healing
Giving It Forward–An invitation
In loving memory of my sister, Jerri Lynn, who fought many life battles, I am starting a Giving It Forward campaign. This is not a fundraiser, it’s more of an awareness-raiser. It is about connection, reaching out, and believing. It’s about being real and being open-hearted. There are as many ways of giving it forward…
The Gift: Pausing at the Parting of the Waters
Sometimes, the waves of pain and grief try to pull us under. Pausing at the parting of the waters can give us the strength to move forward.
The Gift: Healing the Child Within
Christmas is a time of gifts. Often, the gifts most needed are for the hurting parts of ourselves—the gift of healing the child within.
Is it Gratitude or Blinders?
Thanksgiving is a time for gratitude, but sometimes accentuating the positive can be a way of masking truths we don’t want to look at. So, the question I’m asking myself is, “Is it gratitude or blinders?” Blinders Blinders are leather pieces that are placed on either side of a horse’s head next to its eyes….
Feast on the Light
Encouragement to feast on the light from my friend, Cindy: “Don’t view all that you experience in life through lenses darkened by the scars of abuse (or addictions). There is so much in life that is beautiful. Open the windows of your heart and let the love of the Savior in.” (Richard G. Scott) I…