
Like many of you, I have looked at the devastating effects of severe trauma and had to ask “Do I let the dark swallow me whole and destroy me or do I hold on to the light and find a way to move forward?” Build on the Light is about how to find and own the good in our lives in spite of the trauma we've endured. We can find light and hope and ultimately thrive in the life that is uniquely our own.

~Tammy René

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The Gift: Healing the Child Within

Christmas is a time of gifts. Often, the gifts most needed are for the hurting parts of ourselves—the gift of healing the child within.

Más Christ

Lights, music, gift-giving, and often a little more kindness are at the center of the Christmas season. Recently, my granddaughter led a discussion in her youth group about the importance…

Reclaiming the Light

Focusing on the light as we work through the effects of trauma can free us from darkness and help us reclaim the light we thought we lost.

Giving It Forward—Join the Campaign!

Giving It Forward is about connection and reaching out in simple ways. Even when we feel empty—like we have nothing to give—getting outside ourselves has a way of filling our hearts.

Share The Hope

Miracles in the Dark: How a Childhood Cult and Abuse Survivor Reclaimed the Light is a compelling and raw story of overcoming the trauma of childhood abuse and finding hope and healing. Regardless of the heartache we are called to go through, all of us can find light and hope and ultimately thrive in the life that is uniquely our own.  ~Tammy René