Reclaim your light and live

Share The Hope

Miracles in the Dark: How a Childhood Cult and Abuse Survivor Reclaimed the Light is a compelling and raw story of overcoming the trauma of childhood abuse and finding hope and healing. Regardless of the heartache we are called to go through, all of us can find light and hope and ultimately thrive in the life that is uniquely our own.  ~Tammy René

No More Excuses: Reclaiming Power

Freedom comes as we set excuses aside, put blame where it belongs, and reclaim the light scattered throughout our lives. We CAN build a life we love.

Power to Choose

The Power to Choose

The power to choose seems a distant reality when we are victims of abuse. It is not only the uncertainty and pain of events we can’t control, but the way abuse shatters our ability to see our real selves. Abusers use tools of pain and deception to transfer blame onto their victims. Breaking free from the effects of abuse is about reclaiming our power to choose who we will be and the direction our life will take.

Survivor Shift: Episode 3

–“Who Do You Want to Be?” with Tammy Claughton In this episode of Survivor Shift, Tammy Claughton shares her story of overcoming childhood sexual abuse and learning that we each…

The Power of the Word “Yet”

There is power in using the word, “yet”, when struggling to navigate our healing journey. Yet is the antidote of fear. I don’t know yet, keeps the door open to answers and help. I can’t yet, helps plant the seeds of a better self image. I don’t want to yet, keeps us from succumbing to the storms. The word yet adds power to and awareness of our ability to move forward.

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Like many of you, I have looked at the devastating effects of severe trauma and had to ask “Do I let the dark swallow me whole and destroy me or do I hold on to the light and find a way to move forward?” Build on the Light is about making the choice to find and own the good in our lives. It is not about ignoring or not acknowledging the pain of the bad, but about choosing which to build on. I know that regardless of the pains and heartache we are called to go through, all of us can find light and hope and ultimately thrive in the life that is uniquely our own.

~Tammy René
